Brewing Software (right click to download)
BrewCipher Version 7 (.XLS, for Excel or Gnumeric) – Updated 2-16-2022
BrewCipher Version 7 (.ODS, for Apache Open Office or LibreOffice)
README text (.txt, tips for running in programs other than Excel)
Brewcipher User Guide V7 (.PDF)
Bottles to Keg Sugar Adjustment Calculator (.XLS)
Mash Efficiency
Other Fermentables
Water Treatment and Mash Chemistry
Beer (In)Stability, Oxidation, and Freshness Presentation (.PDF)
Beer Off Flavors Presentation (.PDF)
Brewing and Prepping for a Brew Fest (.PDF)
Closed Transfers and other Cold Side Oxidation Mitigators (.PDF)
Pouring Event Tap Assignment Procedure (.PDF)
Recipe Design Presentation (.PDF)
Sons of Alchemy By-Laws (.PDF)